
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Kali Linux 2.0 Released - The Most Powerful Penetration Testing Platform

The wait is over, Kali 2.0 is officially released. So, lets quickly have a look at what's new in Kali 2.0?

There’s a new 4.0 kernel, now based on Debian Jessie, improved hardware and wireless driver coverage, support for a variety of Desktop Environments (gnome, kde, xfce, mate, e17, lxde, i3wm), updated desktop environment and tools and many more.

Kali Linux is Now a Rolling Distribution

This is one of the biggest thing that has come in kali 2.0. The continuous rolling distribution allows to pull packages continuously from Debian Testing and essentially upgrade the Kali core system.

Continuously Updated Tools, Enhanced Workflow

This is another interesting addition to Kali 2.0, the integration of an upstream version checking system. The upstream version checking system alerts the system when a new versions of tools are released (usually via git tagging). 

New Flavours of Kali Linux 2.0

Kali 2.0 now natively supports KDE, GNOME3, Xfce, MATE, e17, lxde and i3wm. GNOME 3 is used as the default flavor with a bit of customization. The customizations include a multi-level menus, true terminal transparency, as well as a handful of useful gnome shell extensions. 

Where’s My Kali 2.0 Download?

You can download your Kali 2.0 from here.

How Do I Upgrade to Kali 2.0?

You can upgrade to Kali 2.0 by simply running the following commands

cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list
deb sana main non-free contrib
deb non-free

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Your Kali 2.0 just Got an Upgrade. Hope you enjoy the new look, features, tools, and workflow.

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